February Update: It’s A Leap Day!

ice cream chalkboard

ok so I didn’t really do anything to celebrate Leap Day, but the extra time was appreciated, universe. Some cool things cooked up over February — we had our first table read for The Ice Cream Sandwich Incident, which was really, really funny, if I can toot my own horn. Also, very revealing. This is my first full-length play to be part of a professional theatre company’s season, so it’s going to be a fun ride. I’ve been told that you learn something through the development process of a full-length that can’t be taught any other way.

Also, I found out that my short play “Banter” will receive a reading at the Playwrights Cabaret, part of the Theatre Bay Area Annual Conference in April.

Look, I know this hasn’t been that exciting. But I’m keeping up with my promise to keep you updated. There is some cool stuff on the horizon–some of which involves a revival of The Cool, a jazz play featuring the music of Chet Baker.

To keep you satisfied, here’s a little music from Metric. In 2012, I drove across the country in a Honda Civic (the first car I ever purchased) and I had 3 CDs, one of which was Metric’s Synthetica. Though I totaled that car 6 months later (don’t ask), earlier this month I got to see these guys in my adopted city, and it was epic. Enjoy.